Whilst studying at any university, you will need moments to escape the boredom of classes or the procrastinated hours spent in the library. We all have those days, and sometimes the best way to escape is not by going to a pub with your friends or grabbing a coffee in a trendy little cafe, but to travel a little further than your typical 15 minute walk to and from university each day.
The fresh air will always benefit you during university, and whether you’re a gym fiend or unsure of where the place even is, sometimes nature is the thing to improve your mental and physical wellbeing.
Glasgow is said to be derived from either Cumbricor glas cau, a Middle Gaelic cognate which meant green basin or green valley. If you stretch out of the city’s hub you will find this to be true – you don’t need to travel far to go on a pleasant walk around Glasgow, and some of the best walks are situated in a country park’s only a few minutes walk away from a train station!
Charlotte Dean, 2nd year History of Art Student at Glasgow University