Personalising your Living Space

Moving to university can be daunting. One of the very first things you’ll have to do is move into your own flat or dorm room. These rooms can often be bland and impersonal. Personalising your room will help you settle in and make you feel right at home. The last thing you want after a day of lectures is to be coming back to a boring and lifeless space, so why not put your personality into it? Here are some of my top tips for personalising your new room.

By Siri Hampapur – 3rd Year Media and Cultural Studies at Lancaster Univeristy


Don't just buy new things

It’s easy to fall into temptation and buy a whole trolley full of brand new furnishings for your room – but this can be a pitfall. Use some of your favourite items from home when decorating your room to really make it feel like it’s your own space. It may seem easier to just buy new things for univeristy but bringing items from home can make your space seem familiar and comforting. You might even have an interesting piece that could be a great conversation starter when meeting your new flatmates.

Make the most of the space

Desks and shelves naturally are great places to display items which can showcase your personality. Think about what books would look good on your shelves or what desk ornaments would fit your room aesthetic. Also think about how to decorate your walls and your floor; adding a rug or a poster can make a huge difference.

Showcase your interests

University really is the time to embrace you who are. Whether you’re into sports, music, travelling or all of the above, proudly display items that showcase what you’re interested in.

Coming back to a room full of things you enjoy is the perfect way to switch off and relax after lectures. Also, you’ll be meeting so many new people at university and this is a great way for them to get to know you better and see if you share similar interests.

Get creative

Even if your room doesn’t have much storage space, you could buy boxes and containers which fit your aesthetic to store your things in. If you have a cork board in your room, see how you can personalise it to make it your own. Maybe you’d want to pin up Polaroid pictures of family and friends, or maybe you’d want to make it a notice board to keep on top of your schoolwork- it’s totally up to you! Decorative fairy lights are also a great way to add more light into your room whilst giving your room some personality and making it more cosy.

Practical considerations

Extension leads might be handy if you are planning on bringing a lamp or fairy lights. Make sure you are using an appropriate adhesive to stick your posters and pictures to the walls: certain sticky tacks leave marks so make sure you do your research.

If you know what your room will look like you can come prepared- for example bringing push pins if you know your room has a cork board. Once you check out what you can or can’t bring, you’re good to go and you’re free to personalise your uni room however you like!

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