Inspirational Women You Should Be Following On Instagram

The amount of time that most of us spend on social media is embarrassingly high. It’s become second nature to aimlessly scroll, watching distant acquaintances’ stories, double-tapping selfies and tagging the squad in memes describing your ineffable emotions. Often we don’t even realise quite how much time we spend doing it – it’s become our default neutral.

So whilst attempting to be productively conscious of it (which can be difficult) why not make sure that the stuff you’re mind-numbingly scrolling through is beneficial! If spending time on social media doesn’t make you feel inspired or good about yourself, you’re not following the right people. There’s a lot of toxic, unrealistic life and body expectations out there exploiting you and your self-worth. It’s time for a change around – feed your feed with goodness.

Here are some inspirational women who are doing massive bits and have been doing so for ages. They radiate positivity, intellectuality, self-worth, self-care, wisdom and also happen to be hilarious. If you’re not already following them, why the hell are you still here?!

By Rahel Girma