A Sheffield Student’s Bucket List

Fresh out of a trip home from Uni, I arrived back into Sheffield with a sigh of relief. This is my favourite city. From its university rivalry to its unrivalled nights out, there is nowhere else I would rather spend the weirdest three years of my life. But then the fact dawned on me, that as a second year, I’m already halfway through my Sheffield experience. I’ve covered so much ground and yet, there’s still so much stuff I haven’t gotten around to.

So, to make sure I maximise my time in this glorious city (that feels more like a town, let’s be honest), I thought the time was right to comprise a Sheffield University bucket list. Some things I’ve completed, some I’ve still yet to do, but all I know is that my time at uni wouldn’t feel complete until I ticked off all of these milestones. And so, I present to you, ‘A University of Sheffield Student’s Rites of Passage’.

By Alice Preece, Sheffield

Let’s start with the basics, shall we? The Paternoster is the beloved non-stop lift in The Arts Tower – the largest operating paternoster in the UK. Bonus points if you successfully take a boomerang of you going down and your mate going up.

I took my parents to The Nottingham House when they dropped me off for a new semester. My dad, a man who really likes his pies, proclaimed it to be the best pie he had ever tasted… So, I’m just saying… It’s worth a visit (don’t even get me started on the chips!)

We are so stupidly close to the Peaks in Sheffield, if you haven’t already, take advantage of the £1 student single bus fares (thank you SU President) and go take a trip to Ladybower Reservoir or go for a pint in the peaks.

What would a night out on West Street be without 2 for 1 cocktails at Revs, a £5 round at Tiger Works, a stein from Bierkeller and a trip to Aslan’s for some cheesy chips to accompany you on the long journey home. A night out at Sheffield is simply not complete without perching yourself on the blue plastic chairs of West Street’s favourite takeaway. Bonus points if you’re in fancy dress.

Since Sheffield is on the edge of the Peak District, there are a hecking lot of hills. If you’ve had to take a pit-stop halfway up a mountain, don’t feel shame – feel pride for not taking the 120 bus. Honourable hill mentions include: The Endcliffe Crescent hill, Conduit, the one on the walk back from The Philadelphia Teaching Centre and the gentle slope along Crookes Valley Road.

Perfectly situated right next to the SU, it’s a rite of passage to be tempted by the gloriously low-priced tea/bacon bap combo served fresh from John’s Van. Bonus points if you add Henderson’s Relish.

If you haven’t been forced to stay all night in the IC to try and complete an assignment… well, you’re probably still a first year. Remember to take your reusable cup and tea bag stash to get unlimited tea from the cafe when they’re open.

Remember, remember the fifth of November… Bole Hill is an excellent vantage point to see the fireworks from all across the city. Stay safe, save money and head to the top of Sheffield for a free firework display! Remember to bring flasks of hot chocolate with you for maximum cosy levels.

You’re Sheffield Uni experience will never be complete without a shout-out from MC Dave at Pop Tarts (the ultimate sheff night out). Dance along to the cheesy tunes and be prepared to jam along to Taylor Swift for the tenth time that night.

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