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Amy’s story

Have I picked up any new skills whilst being here? Not picked up a new skill, reignited with an old skill. I go to the Hello student gym, they have a treadmill there, which is unreal – I just don’t always like running outside, sometimes you just want to be inside a warm environment.

I was definitely drawn to the fact that, you could book with your friends. I live with, 3 girls that I knew before, and it’s kind of like we have our own independence.

Our Hello student building Chatham lodge is literally on campus, it’s so ideal in the mornings. Me and my flat mates will literally leave the house at 10 minutes til 9 and go to our 9 AM.

Want to share your story?

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A landlord who cares

Our teams are on hand 24/7 to deal with any issues or concerns you may have. From changing a light bulb or offering a shoulder to cry on – we’re here when you need us and, in the background, when you don’t.