Days out and around Lancaster

When you get to University, you might be surprised at how much free time you’ve got on your hands. Your contact hours will drop from what you’re used to and – if you’re lucky (or tactical with your timetabling!) – you could even find yourself with a mid-week weekend.

It’s all too easy to spend those days off lounging in bed, eating cereal or recovering from a hangover: but to make the most of your time at University, you should get together with some friends and see what your Uni town or city has to offer.

Lancaster is a small city with a lot of hidden gems. Not only that: it’s very close to Blackpool, the Lake District, Manchester and Liverpool. You’ve got some of the country’s most iconic places right on your doorstep here so make the most of it!

By Michael Mander, 3rd year Linguistics at University of Lancaster